IP Café

Welcome to our IP Café, the event series for young as well as experienced healthcare professionals that are interested in exchanging their thoughts with others and getting answers to their every-day interprofessional questions!

What is the IP Café?

It's an after-work apéro with other people from the health care sector.
-> Yes, there will be snacks and drinks and no worries, the goal is not to talk about patients at work, but rather getting to know people from other fields of healthcare and exchanging thoughts with them.
Next to a short introduction of SHAPED, there is a lot of time for an informal exchange which is guided by us, but allows for free-flowing discussions.

What is our aim?

The healthcare system consists of a multitude of people working closely together every day, however cooperation is often times not as successful as one would hope.
Thus, we want to provide an opportunity for discussions and questions which don't get brought up often enough during hectic day-to-day work-life. The aim of which is to dismantle prejudice and possible obstacles.

Who should join?

Young as well as experienced healthcare professionals across all fields of healthcare are invited!
Whether you are working in a hospital or in an outpatient setting, have just graduated or are thinking about retirement: you all have come in contact with better or worse interprofessional collaboration and are therefore ready to change it for the better!

Next IP Café yet to be announced

The IP Café in Bern scheduled for the 21st of  May 2024 has been postponed. The new date will be announced here and via Social Media shortly.

In the meantime you are welcome to register via the application form below and we will send you more information on the next IP Cafés as soon as we have them! 

Same of course goes, if you want to help us organize an IP Café in your region.

We're looking very much forward to get to know you soon! :-)

Application next IP Café

Please note that the IP Cafés will be held in the language spoken at the location where they take place. If you wish to get informed about an IP Café taking place in your native language, you can write an email to ip-cafe@shaped-ip.ch. Thank you for your understanding! :-)