SHAPED - the Swiss Health Alliance for Interprofessional Education

SHAPED - short for Swiss Health Alliance for Interprofessional Education - is a students- and young-professional-based association, which aims to further interprofessional education (IPE) within the healthcare system in Switzerland.

Our goal is to promote IPE in Switzerland and thereby strengthen collaboration in the healthcare sector. We are convinced that this is not only something future patients will profit from, but also a key factor that will lead to a more sustainable work atmosphere in healthcare institutions.

To reach this goal, SHAPED creates opportunities for students and young professionals across all healthcare professions to improve their interprofessional skills and actively engage in interprofessional work and exchange.

"SHAPED is committed to strengthening interprofessional education and cooperation in the Swiss healthcare system."

Upcoming Events

Below you find a list of the planned SHAPED events taking place. You can find more detailed information in the subsections regarding the event category you are interested in.
We would love to get to know you soon and are happy to answer any questions via email:

Summer Shadowing 

Over the summer months, either as a break from studying or after exams have taken place, we highly recommend our Shadowing Program. Over the course of half to one full day you get to experience the life of a different healthcare profession. 

For more information check out our Shadowing page

IP Café

Are you interested in getting answers to your every-day interprofessional questions and exchanging thoughts with others? Then join our next IP Café!  It will be an after-work apéro with other people from the health care sector.

Visit the IP-Café page to sign up and find our more.

IP Case Discussion

We are working on our next ICD. In the meantime, you can find out more about what ICD's are on this page.

For registration and more information on the ICDs check out this page.

What else to find on our website?

The most relevant information is just a click away.
Enjoy reading and getting to know us!

About us

Want to know more about our philosophy and history?
Want to see the faces behind SHAPED?

IP Case Discussions

Want to know more about our interprofessional case discussions?


Want to know more about our Shadowing Program?