Did you ever want to know what a nutrition therapist is doing all day long? Or how it would be to work as a pharmacist, nurse or doctor? Thanks to our Shadowing program, you can find it out!
The Shadowing program offers students from healthcare professions the opportunity to follow a professional from another healthcare profession for a day and to ask all the questions they have.
Don't forget to check out the experience reports of participating students and tutors beneath!
What do our students and tutors say about their experiences with our Shadowing Program?
You can read some of their experience reports beneath and hopefully get an even better picture of what our Shadowing Program entails.
In June our Shadowing Program was featured in "Physioactive", the magazine of the Swiss Physiotherapy Association Physioswiss.
Their editor has accompanied a medical student observing and actively taking part in a physiotherapy setting. The session was lead by one of many tutors (= healthcare professionals) SHAPED can put YOU as an interested student in contact with!
Please read the article (the original is written in Italian and includes pictures) or its German/French translation beneath
to find out more! :-)
"During one morning, I was allowed to accompany Olivia [tutor] in her daily physio routine. Since I have never needed physio myself, it was even more exciting for me to be able to participate in the exercises right away. Doctors often prescribe physiotherapy, but I wasn't aware of what exactly was involved. For example, I didn't know how much anamnesis and diagnostics are done by physios. I can now imagine much better what exactly I will prescribe when I later prescribe physiotherapy and what information I should definitely note down so that interdisciplinary communication is easier. It was definitely a very successful day for me and I would like to thank SHAPED and especially Olivia for this opportunity."
"All in all, it was a very stimulating, enriching day in the interesting world of medicine in interprofessional healthcare.
I could benefit very much for myself and would recommend it to everyone according to their interest."
"Cette journée m'aura convaincu 'approfondir les échanges interdisciplinaires lors de ma pratique médicale future, et d'être à l'écoute de collègues issus d'autres disciplines."