Interprofessional Case Discussions

The interprofessional (IP) case discussions (short ICDs) were the very first project SHAPED took on. It started all in November 2020 with the first one taking place in German with an astonishing number of 30 participants! Excited by the success as well as the feedback of the participants, soon after we began to develop a French version as well and have ever since continued to prepare new cases for YOU to solve in an interprofessional team!

German ICD

Want to know more about the German ICD's? Then click below 

French ICD

Want to know more about the French ICD's? Then click this button

“It’s like solving a puzzle together!”

Julian, former participant

What is it?

Have you heard about Murder Mystery games (Krimi-Dinner / Dîner-enquête)? We came up with something similar. But instead of solving a crime together, you solve an informal clinical case together and only with good communication and teamwork will you be able to understand what happened to Mr. C or where the missing medications from Mrs. S are.

How does it work?

Our IP case discussions (ICDs) are aimed at students from all fields of healthcare regardless of their prior clinical experience. Prior to the ICD–Meeting, you will receive a document for your profession which provides all the necessary information. Therefore, all that counts is a willingness to communicate openly, work in an interprofessional team and have some fun!

In teams of up to ten different healthcare students and guided by a SHAPED-Moderator, you then have a maximum of two hours to collaborate in order to solve the clinical case. Depending on your field of study, you get information that the others don't have. So you need to put it all together to find the correct diagnosis and find out how you can give the best possible care to the patient.

"Are you a first-year student? Don't worry, the ICDs are open for everyone! Your lack of knowledge will be compensated by others and you will have an interesting time!"

Nils, first-year medical student

Who can join?

Our ICDs are aimed at students from ALL healthcare professions, regardless of their year of study! However, there are some case discussions where some professions have more work to do than in others - just like in real working life. If you are unsure if the current ICD includes your profession as well, you can either write us a short email or leave a note in the registration form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Ready to take part in our next ICD?

Please fill out the registration-form by pressing the corresponding button below. Your registration is final and you will hear back from us latest one week prior to the ICD. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us via email:

Be aware that our ICDs are held in GERMAN OR FRENCH. Apply to whatever language you feel comfortable talking in. If your language is currently not available: stay tuned or send us an message.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we initially held all our ICDs online. Thanks to the great feedback we have received, we will continue to offer them mainly in this format. However, we also started to organize them in-person. If you would prefer this, please send us an email and we will provide you with options for you to join.