Shadowing Program - for Tutors

Did you ever want to know what a nutrition therapist is doing all day long? Or how it would be to work as a pharmacist, nurse or doctor?
Thanks to our shadowing program you can find all the answers you are looking for!

How does it work?

On the Shadowing day, a student from a different healthcare profession will join you for a half or full day to get to know your profession and discuss your experiences with interprofessional collaboration. To get a better idea of what to expect and how to prepare for the Shadowing day, you can consult our Shadowing Guidelines. Also, if you would like to see how former students experienced such a Shadowing day, you can read through some of their experience reports.

If this catches your interest and if you are a healthcare professional and want to promote interprofessional education of students, you are more than welcome to sign up as a tutor for our Shadowing program with the application form below. We will then confirm your registration and add your spot anonymously to our list of tutors and shadowing places.

Application Shadowing Program for Tutors

What happens next?

Once a student signs up for your Shadowing spot, your contact information will be shared with that particular student to allow direct communication between the two of you. The student will get in touch with you to fix a date and the further details of the Shadowing day. Be aware that the student has to sign a Shadowing contract with which he or she accepts the liability and compliance to take the agreed date seriously and the obligation of secrecy of personal data.

And then enjoy the Shadowing day with the student and discuss in a lively way about your and their experience!

To limit the amount of work for you related to our Shadowing Program, we will only contact you again for more details once a student is assigned to your spot and you have agreed on a date.

If in the meantime you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask us via and we will get back to you as soon as possible!